Monday, March 29, 2010

I have a New Favorite...

...TV show. It's called Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. It is to say the least eye opening! If you haven't heard about it, you can check it out on hulu (the greatest thing for when you have to work when your favorite shows are on). This show is so great, and we need more people like Jamie to get out there and throw a fit about what is being served to the children at the schools. I think the worst part about the food programs is that they are so strictly mandated by the government that the cooks feel like they have no choice but to go with the processed foods, just to try to meet the regulations. Jamie is taking that to a whole new level with his show, and showing them that they can do it, and they can do it by starting with raw foods.
It was surprising to me to see the chicken nugget expirment and how the children still wanted to eat it, I was sitting there going, I don't know if I can eat another nugget after this! But the expirment that got me the most was the one he does for the parents. I think a lot of parents are ignorant of what the schools are feeding their children, and assume its healthy because of the government mandates.
Ok enough ranting about that for now. The other big thing going on right now is my BFF over at Rachel May Designs is starting a card club! YAY! If you follow the Christmas Stamping All Year Long blog, it will be similar to that, except we will just have different challenges every other week, and we won't be focusing on just Christmas! To see the guidelines hop on over here to check it out.

And check back for my creation for the Card Club! And I hope to see all your creations as well!

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