Thursday, December 1, 2011

I Suppose I Should...

…Update you on what is going on in the life of SkyleRae.  It has been rather quiet around here lately.  We had the Thanksgiving holiday, Black Friday, and now I have a craft fair on Saturday that I am trying to prepare for.
I have also recently become addicted to the Twilight Saga.  I am already on book 3: Eclipse.  I held out for so many years and then Roommate #1 asked if I wanted to go to Breaking Dawn Part I.  I went more or less for something to do.  Turns out I really liked it, and now have been feverishly reading the books.  Twilight and New Moon arrived from Netflix this week, so I will have that to watch after I finish reading the books, which from the looks of things will not be very long.

I have to say the books are very well written.  Stephanie Meyer really knows how to invoke emotion of the reader.  So far she has invoked anger, sadness, happiness, pretty much EVERY emotion you can think of.  I really enjoy that the story is told from Bella’s (the human’s) point of view, which I think is what makes it relatable and SO GOOD!  So if you have not partaken in the Twilight Saga, I would recommend that you do.

I had an excellent Thanksgiving.  I had family come from all over to celebrate.  So that was really nice.  Then we did the whole Black Friday thing at Midnight, which I was against at first and then realized it was the only time my aunt could go so we went.  I spent a whopping $60.  I got a luggage set for $50, a set of pans for roommate #2 for $6, and then a coffee for $4.  Yep. That was the extent of my Black Friday shopping.  My aunt and mother went nuts though.  That was good for them I suppose.  I ended up being up for 36 of 38 hours between Thursday and Friday.  Not the smartest thing I ever did.

I decorated this cake for one of my cousins that came over.  That was fun and she really liked it! 

We resume taking cake decorating classes next week.  Our instructor went to Hawaii to celebrate her 30th wedding anniversary so we took this week off!  HOORAY!  I am excited for Course 2: Flowers and Cake Design.  I guess we make flowers the entire time and then decorate a cake in the final class.  This should be super fun.  I am super excited for this, I want to learn more flowers and how to design a cake.  So I am super excited for class to start again.  

The craft fair on Saturday is the Festival of Trees at The Shrine Auditorium.  It should be a good craft fair to participate in.  I will be selling cards, gift tags, mini cards, flat cards and then some cupcakes that my mom and I have decorated.  So if you are in the Billings, Montana area you should come check it out. 

What else have I been up to?  Well not a whole lot to be honest.  Trying to get Christmas shopping done, preparing for the craft fair and reading, yep that is about it.  Nothing too exciting.  I will try to get pictures up this time of the craft fair setup.  I hope everyone is having a great holiday season! 


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